new years bouquet from bits and buds florist leighton buzzard including tulips and soft pastel lilac and pink flowers for all occasions
Just because it's January Bouquet
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, new years bouquet from bits and buds florist leighton buzzard including tulips and soft pastel lilac and pink flowers for all occasions
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Just because it's January Bouquet

Just because it's January Bouquet

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Every one knows January has about 108 days and we all could do with some encouragement to get through them all. Send some gentle joy by way of this bouquet to get through it. Perfect for any occasion. 

Made up of soft pastel tones and dainty blooms including tulips. Lets ease ourselves through this month and wake up slowly into the rest of 2025.

Exact flowers may vary from those pictured depending upon availability st time of ordering | Pictured £35, no box | Pictured in bud, flowers will open to a bright display